2024년 12월 13일 금요일

4 Demensions Golf Essence

                  <Plane>                                                          <Front>

***You may rewrite all these articles including 4D golf(golfyoung.blogspot.com),I hope.

1.  4D analyzes and explains the golf swing in four dimensions: plane view from above , front view from the front  ,  side view, and time .


2.  The golf swing is a circular motion and so is putting.  However, by using the shoulder blades, a backswing of up to 12cm is possible, making a straight stroke possible.



3. Swing is a circular motion in which the spine rotates. For a normal shot, your spine is slightly tilted away from the target, but for a putt, your spine should remain straight.




4. It is true that your hands should be placed vertically down. However, if you focus on your hand, it is easy to make a casting motion that involves releasing your hand quickly. When we throw a baseball, our hands start from the elbow and move forward. As your elbows are lowered to vertical, your hands will remain vertical. 


5. If you lower your right elbow and place it between the sides, it will play the role of supporting the lever, increasing the distance and improving downcock and late hit .  

6. Insert a tee into the butt end of the grip during the backswing. When the club passes horizontally with the ground during the backswing, the line pointed by the tee is the shaft line, not the target ball line. The same applies when swinging down. Additionally, when making a follow through, the tee at the butt end should point toward the shaft line as the club passes parallel to the ground . Now, I hope I am not wrong in saying that the end of the grip does not point towards the ball. Grab a club without a head and a club with a head at the same time.   By swinging, you can quickly understand the shaft line.  

7. Swing while supporting your body rather than hitting the ball with your hands.
Rather than thinking about moving your shoulders or your entire ribcage during the backswing, think about rotating your spine. When viewed from behind, if you turn the lowest rib first, it will rotate without shaking. 

8.Place your hands on your chest  , you are told to push your hips to the left, but the transition movement must occur right before the downswing, and if the pushing movement is only about 1mm, the weight shifts will follow later. If your weight shifts to the center of your left foot, you should straight your knees and use the ground reaction force to increase the distance.

9. Arm rotation should occur naturally, but many golfers hold their grips tightly, which often hinders arm rotation. The grip has a thick end and must be held weakly. When downswing, if you block the club head with your left hand about 20cm before it reaches the ball, your left arm rotation helps the distance increase due to the law of inertia. Because there are factors such as the length of the club and the golfer's physique, you need to find out through practice how long you can block.

10. The wrist appears to be rotating, but it is because the forearm is rotating. The wrist should not move in the direction of the back of the hand and the palm, but should move up and down in the direction of the thumb to increase the distance due to the cocking effect.

11. When looking from top to bottom, your waist, back, and head should be in a straight line. When viewed from the side, the waist is curved to front . Many golfers aim by positioning the club to the right of the ball .
However, when the club is placed to the right, it is difficult to know how open it must be to hit the center of the ball at a right angle. Perpendicular to the bottom of the ball. If you set it and move it to the right, it will open properly. This is called a hidden off-set.





Exaggerated front view and side view showing shaft bending upon impact


13. When a large swing occurs, the shaft bends  when viewed from front and the side. As a result, the toes also come down.You will need to lift your toes  in the setup. Try adjusting the degree to which your toes go down in advance. The degree to which the toe rises depends on the weight of the head and shaft. proportional to flexibility. 


14.Direction of the ball        Explanation of Figure 123


The ball weighs 46 g and has a diameter of 42 mm. When this small ball hits the club head, it initially flies according to the shape of the club head's movement , and as the ball's speed decreases, it curves according to the direction of the club face. In the plan view, G is the target direction and B is the Ball, T is the front part of the face, H is the back part of the face. In Figure <1>, when the head touches the center of the ball above the target line, if the face is perpendicular to the target direction, the ball flies in a straight line. At this time, the face is open, that is, H is ahead of   T in the target direction,  the ball flies in a straight line and curves to the right. Closing the face, in other words, if T is ahead of H in the target direction, the ball will fly straight and curve to the left.


In Figure <2>, when the head hits the ball on the target line and returns across the target line, if the face is perpendicular to the target direction, the ball flies to the right, then curves to the left. This shape is called a draw.  If the face is open, the ball will fly to the right and curve to the right, resulting in a sharp slice to the right. If the face is closed, the ball will fly to the right and curve sharply to the left.


In Figure <3>, when the head passes the target line and then hits the ball again on the target line, if the face is perpendicular to the target direction, the ball flies to the left , then curves to the right and flies to the right.  This shape is called a fade. When the face is open, the ball flies to the left and curves sharply to the right. If the face is closed, the ball flies to the left and curves to the left, creating a hook.


15. During the backswing, cocking is a phenomenon in which the wrist is bent as the  thumb moves upward, and hinge is a phenomenon in which the wrist is bent to the back of the right hand. 



16. At address, your weight should be evenly distributed across your feet to support your entire body . Some people say that the preparatory position for all physical exercises requires putting your weight on the front foot to make it easier to move. But in archery physical exercise, it is called the point method, which means putting your weight on the entire foot. Golf, like archery, focuses on balance, so it's best to keep your weight on your entire foot. 


17. Since golf involves twisting that occurs separately from the upper and lower body, the rotation of the upper body should not be done only by the shoulders, but should be done in accordance with the rotation of the spine, navel, waist, ribs, and shoulders. It should rotate tightly like a revolving door around your spinal twist.   



18. The direction of the clavicle indicates the amount of rotation.   If you only rotate your shoulders, which are joints that can move somewhat independently of the upper body,
the balance of your upper body may be disrupted. Rotate your lower back, or spine, 50 degrees from your navel and 60 degrees from your back ribs. If your shoulders rotate 90 degrees, your collarbone should also rotate 90 degrees.



19.  When the driver swings, being parallel to the target line means not crossing that line. This does not refer to manipulating the arms or hands to make the upper body, i.e. the spine , waist, back ribs, shoulders, etc., parallel with less rotation.  On the other hand, swinging too hard so that your collarbone goes past  90 degrees is likely to cause another problem, so I recommend holding your left knee and left hip and rotating your forearm.

It starts below the left lower back, at the spine, and rotates diagonally along the spine, continuing in a straight line to the top of the right shoulder. Think of rotating the English letter T. Among the letters T ," ㅡ" represents the collarbone and "ㅣ" You have to look at the spine. If that doesn't work, move to the navel and then to the ribcage. Let's turn it over.



A Appearance of wrist at address viewed from the side


B  During the backswing, Wrist shape seen from the front


C  Backswing WRIST TIPE viewed from the front  


20. When plane view from above, the club head for the driver is Rotate  270 degrees until the backswing ends . However, if a 90 -degree turn of the shoulder means a  90- degree turn of the club head, the club head should rotate  180 degrees with the arms.  It turns  90 degrees by cocking ,  and  90 degrees by rotating . The club head should be rotated 180 degrees when your shoulders are parallel to the target line . The way to practice is to position your shoulders parallel to the target line and then rotate the club head 180 degrees with one side of your right arm . The butt of the grip should point to the shaft line , which is approximately  4 cm  closer to the body than the target - ball line .      

21.Front view of downcock for speed

The so-called downcock refers to the fact that during the downswing that moves before hitting, the right elbow comes down toward the stomach first and plays the role of supporting the lever. Even immediately after impact, the left elbow plays the role of supporting the lever that points toward the stomach. It needs to be a long-term hit.

22. You should aim the clubhead at the ball with your right elbow, as if your elbow controls the direction when throwing a ball . When you aim the club head at the ball with your right elbow, the club head will be positioned slightly lower at the top of the backswing . Likewise,   you must first slightly move your left elbow and lower it to the position which was in during the address posture. That makes to ensure good rotation and prevent slices from occurring. Do not manipulate the rotation with your hands or arms; let your left elbow return naturally to its original position.   

23. Make a short approach rotation by making the line passing from the left lower back ,  back ribs and shoulder to the right lower waist , back ribs and shoulder parallel to the ball-target line and swinging the spine around the axis . Think of it as a small swing and swing it with your body rather than just your arms and hands.

24. It is said that the distance of an inaccurate swing differs by about 20% from the distance of an accurate swing. When making a long hit, the head speed is 22.5, the sweet spot is 20, the attack angle is 16.5, the relative mass of the head and ball is 15.5, the launch angle is 13.5, and the back spin rate is 12%.

25. Backswing according to club length


In the top view, G is the target, B is the ball, D is the driver trajectory, M is the middle club, and W is the wedge.

In the backswing, the driver creates a large circle, and  the wedge creates a small circle. Therefore, it feels like cocking happens slowly in the case of a driver, and quickly in the case of a wedge.

26. In the front view, G is the target ball line and D is the driver shaft during the backswing., M is the middle club shaft, and W is the wedge club shaft.

In the top view, G is the target ball line and D is the driver shaft during the backswing., M is the middle club shaft, W is the wedge club shaft.

In the backswing, the driver is parallel to the target line when viewed from the front, and is also parallel to the target line when viewed from a plane, but the wedge is about 30 degrees short of the target line when viewed from the front. On the plane, it is 30 degrees short of the target line, and the remaining clubs which depend on length are in the middle.

From the side, A is the ground, D is the driver and shaft line, M is the middle club and shaft line, and W is the wedge club and shaft line.


The photo above shows the side view of the driver, middle club, and wedge and their respective shaft lines. When the shaft intersects a point that is horizontal to the ground and parallel to the shaft line, the butt at the end of the handle follows the shaft line. So the driver has a flat position,  the wedge has a  steep position and the middle club becomes a middle position.

27. When hitting the driver upward, you should hit it with a hot shot slightly higher than the sweet spot. When hitting downward, you need to hit the sweet spot.

28. If you divide the moving distance into the upper body and lower body and change the distance to speed, in the upper body, if the club head is 200 km, the speed appears in the following order: hands, about 50 km, and elbows. , shoulders, back ribs, i.e. ribcage, lower back, spine.  Lower body parts speed appears independently in the hitting.


29. During the downswing, the waist, back, ribs, and shoulders return to their original positions due to the small movement of the center of gravity and the strong rotation of the spine, but among the hands and arms, the right elbow should come near the abdomen first. , which is the address location. Remember that for an accurate strike to occur, the left elbow must also be in its original position as at the time of address. Both elbows must also return to their original position at the time of address.


P is the trajectory through which the sweet spot passes.


30. As shown in Figure , when viewed from a plane centered on the core of the ball, you can see that the sweet spot of the club head enters slightly below the right side of the ball, meets the core, and exits slightly below and to the left.

Front view: A is the ground, B is the ball, G is the rolling ball, S is the sweet spot, and X is the lowest point.

31. If you think of a golf ball as big as a rolling ball, the lowest point of the swing circle would be at the bottom center of the big ball. Since the swing circle is drawn as the club head passes through, the head hits the right side of the large ball first and then reaches the lowest point. 

When viewed from the front, the sweet spot must pass through the center of the ball, but since the height of the sweet spot is higher than the center of the ball, it is impossible to hit the ball upward when it is on the ground.


32. Whether the golf ball is on the ground or on a tee, in order for the center of the ball to reach the sweet spot of the club , the ground under the ball may become an obstacle, so it is desirable to hit the ball downward at the top of the ball, which is free of obstacles. 


In the front view looking slightly right to left, G is the target direction and S is the sweet spot, which is the downward strike point.

Here, the top of the ball refers to the part that is higher than the equator of the ball. When the swing passes through the center of the ball, the latitude of the ball is toward the left, so when the ball is divided into four at the target, the sweet spot is at the top and left of the ball. 

I think you can see that it is progressing.

Photo 1 : The sweet spot meets the core of the ball in the plane (CND).

Photo 2 : When viewed from the 6 o'clock position, the iron sweet spot passes through ENF.

Photo 3 : When viewed from the 6 o'clock position, the driver sweet spot passes through GN-H.


33. For reference, if the ball is hit downward, it is considered distorted from top to bottom and the ball flies like a missile and rises into the air. Therefore, when taking a shot from a bunker, you must pay close attention not only to the angle of the club, but also to the angle of the bunker shelf and the departure of the ball. The same goes for hitting over a tree.



34. Stretching means stretching out both arms and hands. At this time, the arms are not stretched out intentionally, but rather it feels as if the club head is being pulled by the weight of the head. 

35. If the rising and falling angles are the same when viewed from the side, is it a ONE plane swing? If the angles are different, is it TWO plane swing?

It takes practice and feel to adjust the direction of the face with the three fingers of your left hand gripped. Some people tell you to adjust the direction with your right index finger, but using the index finger can cause side effects, such as using your forearm muscles. For reference, the quick rotation of the downswing is controlled with the middle finger of the right hand , and  the slow rotation is controlled with the ring finger of the right hand .  It is convenient to use two fingers to tune. However, one thing to watch out for is the error caused by large muscles. Human errors cannot be compensated for or corrected through finger sensation alone. Large muscles need to be corrected and major errors. 


36.This is the view of the body from the direction of the target while FOLLOW THROUGH. HW is upper body, WL is lower body.

37. Since the afterimage effect of the eyes is 1/16 of a second, if you focus on just 0.2 seconds when aiming for the ball, the club head can pass the point where the ball is. During the backswing, turn right your chin and focus your attention on the ball.

38 Since the downswing is very fast and the lower back rotates immediately after the hip rotation, it is desirable to mentally think that the ribcage rotates along with the spine after the hip rotation. 


39. The expressions pull down,” “press,” “up, and swipe should be viewed as indicating the shape of the club approaching the ball depending on the balls position, so hitting the ball should be hitting the ball passively by the ball position. 

40. During  the backswing , the back of the hand faces forward due to the rotation of the upper body . During the backswing , the backs of your hands do not face forward along with your wrists . In the case of cocking moving up and down , the use of the wrist occurs unconsciously .                          


41. Tempo  refers to the time from the beginning to the end of the swing. In general, the length or shortness of the tempo is determined by the individual's personality.


42.Rhythm refers to the beats and step-by-step speed within the tempo  . They say the downswing tempo is 2:1 , but in 4D golf,I have already mentioned the backswing and the 'back, ball, hit' rhythm. Additionally, step-by-step speed means that the club starts slowly during the backswing  , becomes faster as it cocks, and moves relatively quickly at the front, to stop slowly. This means that the club starts slowly during the downswing,  accelerates in the impact zone, and stops relatively slowly at the end  .


42. Timing  refers to the harmony of the backswing and , in smaller terms, the harmony of each part of the body. Considering the left and right weight shift, it is considered appropriate timing to shift the weight of the hit, which is the beginning of the downswing,  just before the backswing.



43. The golf swing consists of three parts: weight transfer of the lower body, rotational movement of the upper body, and up and down movement of the hands and arms.

But the question is how much force is applied to each movement. For example, the lower body can be compared to industrial electricity, the upper body to household electricity, and the hands and arms to cell phone electricity.


44. It is often said that the swing is led with the left hand, but the word 'lead' can be misunderstood to mean that the left hand is dominant, so if you have good power, it would be better to guide with the left hand. The left and right hands are balanced. In particular, right-handed people tend to exert force that overwhelms the left hand, but the movement is not large enough to interfere with the guidance of the left hand.



45. Rather than impact,  it is better to swing considering the impact zone of about 40cm in front and behind the ball.


46. When the club head travels at 200km, the speed at which the hands move is 50km, which is  still too fast to be controlled by hand, so  it is better to move your weight and waggle when hitting. 

2024년 11월 21일 목요일

 골프,아하! 나의 오해

1.Late hit  천천히 쳐라? 

 활쏘기에서 시위를 당기듯이 다운스윙할 때 힢을 시작으로 다리,
 '힢근육',어깨등 온힘으로 손을 어드레쓰 자세까지 당기라는 뜻이다  보기에는 부드러운 장타같다 그립은 살살 잡아 아랫 팔의 요골,쳑골의 회전이 부드럽게 해야 한다                                                                                        
Delayed hit,샤프트가 해드보다 먼저옴,던져라 ,  돌려치기등 같은 뜻이다  .

2드라이버는 올려치고 아이언은 찍어친다?
정면에서 볼 때 어드레스 시 오른쪽으로 가면 올라가며 공이 맞고 왼쪽으로 가면 내려가면서 맞는다  골프 공을 때려 치는 능동적인 작용이 아니라 헤드가 지나가는 
자리에 공이 있을 뿐인 수동적 현상이다.

3.직선으로 날아가는 공이 되도록  똑바로 공을 쳐야?
평면에서 볼 때 골프 스윙은 척추를 중심으로 한 원운동이다 골프공의 핵에 헤드의 페이스가 목표선과 수직으로 접근해야 한다 퍼팅도 작은 스윙인 원운동이고 다만 12cm미만인 경우 직선운동을 할 수있다 스윙이 원운동이면 돌려져서 맞은 공은 회전하면서 조금 휘어질 수 있다

4.허리를 구부린다?
키를 잴 때 허리,등 ,목을 펴듯이  측면에서 볼때 똑바로 선 자세에서  엉덩이뼈를 구부린다 영어의  Hlp은 엉덩이가 아니라 정확히는 허리아래 '힢근육'이고 엉덩이 아래 말랑한 곳은 Buttock이다

5공을 끝까지 봐라?
 신체중에서 눈동자가 제일 빨리 움직인다 왼쪽 콧구멍으로 공에 콧바람을 쏘면 집즁된다
빽스윙시에는 호홉울 2번 들이쉬고 다운스윙시에도 두번 내쏜다 개인적인 리듬시간을 소개하면 들숨2번의 1/10이 날숨 첫번째이고 날숨 첫번째의 1/10이 날숨 두번째이다 정면,,평면,측면,시간까지 4차원골프의 주요관점이다

6공뒤에 목표선에 수직으로 페이스를 맞추어라?
공밑에서 공에 그려진 수직선에 맞게 페이스를 맟춘 다음 공뒤로 옮기면  페이스가 약간 열린다 이것이올바른  정렬이다 아웃 인 페이드이거나 인 아웃 드로우이든 이  수직선에 페이스가 지나가야 한다

2024년 3월 24일 일요일

4 Dimensions Golf Essense


                  <Plane>                                                          <Front>

***You may rewrite all these articles including 4D golf(golfyoung.blogspot.com),I hope.

1. 4D analyzes and explains the golf swing in four dimensions: plane view from above , front view from the front , side view, and time .

2. The golf swing is a circular motion and so is putting. However, by using the shoulder blades, a backswing of up to 12cm is possible, making a straight stroke possible.

3. Swing is a circular motion in which the spine rotates. For a normal shot, your spine is slightly tilted away from the target, but for a putt, your spine should remain straight.

4. It is true that your hands should be placed vertically down. However, if you focus on your hand, it is easy to make a casting motion that involves releasing your hand quickly. When we throw a baseball, our hands start from the elbow and move forward. As your elbows are lowered to vertical, your hands will remain vertical.

5. If you lower your right elbow and place it between the sides, it will play the role of supporting the lever, increasing the distance and improving downcock and late hit .

6. Insert a tee into the butt end of the grip during the backswing. When the club passes horizontally with the ground during the backswing, the line pointed by the tee is the shaft line, not the target ball line. The same applies when swinging down. Additionally, when making a follow through, the tee at the butt end should point toward the shaft line as the club passes parallel to the ground . Now, I hope I am not wrong in saying that the end of the grip does not point towards the ball. Grab a club without a head and a club with a head at the same time. By swinging, you can quickly understand the shaft line.

7. Swing while supporting your body rather than hitting the ball with your hands.
Rather than thinking about moving your shoulders or your entire ribcage during the backswing, think about rotating your spine. When viewed from behind, if you turn the lowest rib first, it will rotate without shaking.

8.Place your hands on your chest , you are told to push your hips to the left, but the transition movement must occur right before the downswing, and if the pushing movement is only about 1mm, the weight shifts will follow later. If your weight shifts to the center of your left foot, you should straight your knees and use the ground reaction force to increase the distance.

9. Arm rotation should occur naturally, but many golfers hold their grips tightly, which often hinders arm rotation. The grip has a thick end and must be held weakly. When downswing, if you block the club head with your left hand about 20cm before it reaches the ball, your left arm rotation helps the distance increase due to the law of inertia. Because there are factors such as the length of the club and the golfer's physique, you need to find out through practice how long you can block.

10. The wrist appears to be rotating, but it is because the forearm is rotating. The wrist should not move in the direction of the back of the hand and the palm, but should move up and down in the direction of the thumb to increase the distance due to the cocking effect.

11. When looking from top to bottom, your waist, back, and head should be in a straight line. When viewed from the side, the waist is curved to front . Many golfers aim by positioning the club to the right of the ball .
However, when the club is placed to the right, it is difficult to know how open it must be to hit the center of the ball at a right angle. Perpendicular to the bottom of the ball. If you set it and move it to the right, it will open properly. This is called a hidden off-set.


Exaggerated front view and side view showing shaft bending upon impact

13. When a large swing occurs, the shaft bends when viewed from front and the side. As a result, the toes also come down.You will need to lift your toes in the setup. Try adjusting the degree to which your toes go down in advance. The degree to which the toe rises depends on the weight of the head and shaft. proportional to flexibility.

14.Direction of the ball Explanation of Figure 123

The ball weighs 46 g and has a diameter of 42 mm. When this small ball hits the club head, it initially flies according to the shape of the club head's movement , and as the ball's speed decreases, it curves according to the direction of the club face. In the plan view, G is the target direction and B is the Ball, T is the front part of the face, H is the back part of the face. In Figure <1>, when the head touches the center of the ball above the target line, if the face is perpendicular to the target direction, the ball flies in a straight line. At this time, the face is open, that is, H is ahead of T in the target direction, the ball flies in a straight line and curves to the right. Closing the face, in other words, if T is ahead of H in the target direction, the ball will fly straight and curve to the left.

In Figure <2>, when the head hits the ball on the target line and returns across the target line, if the face is perpendicular to the target direction, the ball flies to the right, then curves to the left. This shape is called a draw. If the face is open, the ball will fly to the right and curve to the right, resulting in a sharp slice to the right. If the face is closed, the ball will fly to the right and curve sharply to the left.

In Figure <3>, when the head passes the target line and then hits the ball again on the target line, if the face is perpendicular to the target direction, the ball flies to the left , then curves to the right and flies to the right. This shape is called a fade. When the face is open, the ball flies to the left and curves sharply to the right. If the face is closed, the ball flies to the left and curves to the left, creating a hook.

15. During the backswing, cocking is a phenomenon in which the wrist is bent as the thumb moves upward, and hinge is a phenomenon in which the wrist is bent to the back of the right hand.

16. At address, your weight should be evenly distributed across your feet to support your entire body . Some people say that the preparatory position for all physical exercises requires putting your weight on the front foot to make it easier to move. But in archery physical exercise, it is called the point method, which means putting your weight on the entire foot. Golf, like archery, focuses on balance, so it's best to keep your weight on your entire foot.

17. Since golf involves twisting that occurs separately from the upper and lower body, the rotation of the upper body should not be done only by the shoulders, but should be done in accordance with the rotation of the spine, navel, waist, ribs, and shoulders. It should rotate tightly like a revolving door around your spinal twist.

18. The direction of the clavicle indicates the amount of rotation. If you only rotate your shoulders, which are joints that can move somewhat independently of the upper body,
the balance of your upper body may be disrupted. Rotate your lower back, or spine, 50 degrees from your navel and 60 degrees from your back ribs. If your shoulders rotate 90 degrees, your collarbone should also rotate 90 degrees.

19. When the driver swings, being parallel to the target line means not crossing that line. This does not refer to manipulating the arms or hands to make the upper body, i.e. the spine , waist, back ribs, shoulders, etc., parallel with less rotation. On the other hand, swinging too hard so that your collarbone goes past 90 degrees is likely to cause another problem, so I recommend holding your left knee and left hip and rotating your forearm.

It starts below the left lower back, at the spine, and rotates diagonally along the spine, continuing in a straight line to the top of the right shoulder. Think of rotating the English letter T. Among the letters T ," ㅡ" represents the collarbone and "ㅣ" You have to look at the spine. If that doesn't work, move to the navel and then to the ribcage. Let's turn it over.

A Appearance of wrist at address viewed from the side

B During the backswing, Wrist shape seen from the front

C Backswing WRIST TIPE viewed from the front

20. When plane view from above, the club head for the driver is Rotate 270 degrees until the backswing ends . However, if a 90 -degree turn of the shoulder means a 90- degree turn of the club head, the club head should rotate 180 degrees with the arms. It turns 90 degrees by cocking , and 90 degrees by rotating . The club head should be rotated 180 degrees when your shoulders are parallel to the target line . The way to practice is to position your shoulders parallel to the target line and then rotate the club head 180 degrees with one side of your right arm . The butt of the grip should point to the shaft line , which is approximately 4 cm closer to the body than the target - ball line .

21.Front view of downcock for speed

The so-called downcock refers to the fact that during the downswing that moves before hitting, the right elbow comes down toward the stomach first and plays the role of supporting the lever. Even immediately after impact, the left elbow plays the role of supporting the lever that points toward the stomach. It needs to be a long-term hit.

22. You should aim the clubhead at the ball with your right elbow, as if your elbow controls the direction when throwing a ball . When you aim the club head at the ball with your right elbow, the club head will be positioned slightly lower at the top of the backswing . Likewise, you must first slightly move your left elbow and lower it to the position which was in during the address posture. That makes to ensure good rotation and prevent slices from occurring. Do not manipulate the rotation with your hands or arms; let your left elbow return naturally to its original position.

23. Make a short approach rotation by making the line passing from the left lower back , back ribs and shoulder to the right lower waist , back ribs and shoulder parallel to the ball-target line and swinging the spine around the axis . Think of it as a small swing and swing it with your body rather than just your arms and hands.

24. It is said that the distance of an inaccurate swing differs by about 20% from the distance of an accurate swing. When making a long hit, the head speed is 22.5, the sweet spot is 20, the attack angle is 16.5, the relative mass of the head and ball is 15.5, the launch angle is 13.5, and the back spin rate is 12%.

25. Backswing according to club length

In the top view, G is the target, B is the ball, D is the driver trajectory, M is the middle club, and W is the wedge.

In the backswing, the driver creates a large circle, and the wedge creates a small circle. Therefore, it feels like cocking happens slowly in the case of a driver, and quickly in the case of a wedge.

26. In the front view, G is the target ball line and D is the driver shaft during the backswing., M is the middle club shaft, and W is the wedge club shaft.

In the top view, G is the target ball line and D is the driver shaft during the backswing., M is the middle club shaft, W is the wedge club shaft.

In the backswing, the driver is parallel to the target line when viewed from the front, and is also parallel to the target line when viewed from a plane, but the wedge is about 30 degrees short of the target line when viewed from the front. On the plane, it is 30 degrees short of the target line, and the remaining clubs which depend on length are in the middle.

From the side, A is the ground, D is the driver and shaft line, M is the middle club and shaft line, and W is the wedge club and shaft line.

The photo above shows the side view of the driver, middle club, and wedge and their respective shaft lines. When the shaft intersects a point that is horizontal to the ground and parallel to the shaft line, the butt at the end of the handle follows the shaft line. So the driver has a flat position, the wedge has a steep position and the middle club becomes a middle position.

27. When hitting the driver upward, you should hit it with a hot shot slightly higher than the sweet spot. When hitting downward, you need to hit the sweet spot.

28. If you divide the moving distance into the upper body and lower body and change the distance to speed, in the upper body, if the club head is 200 km, the speed appears in the following order: hands, about 50 km, and elbows. , shoulders, back ribs, i.e. ribcage, lower back, spine. Lower body parts speed appears independently in the hitting.

29. During the downswing, the waist, back, ribs, and shoulders return to their original positions due to the small movement of the center of gravity and the strong rotation of the spine, but among the hands and arms, the right elbow should come near the abdomen first. , which is the address location. Remember that for an accurate strike to occur, the left elbow must also be in its original position as at the time of address. Both elbows must also return to their original position at the time of address.

P is the trajectory through which the sweet spot passes.

30. As shown in Figure , when viewed from a plane centered on the core of the ball, you can see that the sweet spot of the club head enters slightly below the right side of the ball, meets the core, and exits slightly below and to the left.

Front view: A is the ground, B is the ball, G is the rolling ball, S is the sweet spot, and X is the lowest point.

31. If you think of a golf ball as big as a rolling ball, the lowest point of the swing circle would be at the bottom center of the big ball. Since the swing circle is drawn as the club head passes through, the head hits the right side of the large ball first and then reaches the lowest point.

When viewed from the front, the sweet spot must pass through the center of the ball, but since the height of the sweet spot is higher than the center of the ball, it is impossible to hit the ball upward when it is on the ground.

32. Whether the golf ball is on the ground or on a tee, in order for the center of the ball to reach the sweet spot of the club , the ground under the ball may become an obstacle, so it is desirable to hit the ball downward at the top of the ball, which is free of obstacles.

In the front view looking slightly right to left, G is the target direction and S is the sweet spot, which is the downward strike point.

Here, the top of the ball refers to the part that is higher than the equator of the ball. When the swing passes through the center of the ball, the latitude of the ball is toward the left, so when the ball is divided into four at the target, the sweet spot is at the top and left of the ball.

I think you can see that it is progressing.

Photo 1 : The sweet spot meets the core of the ball in the plane (CND).

Photo 2 : When viewed from the 6 o'clock position, the iron sweet spot passes through ENF.

Photo 3 : When viewed from the 6 o'clock position, the driver sweet spot passes through GN-H.

33. For reference, if the ball is hit downward, it is considered distorted from top to bottom and the ball flies like a missile and rises into the air. Therefore, when taking a shot from a bunker, you must pay close attention not only to the angle of the club, but also to the angle of the bunker shelf and the departure of the ball. The same goes for hitting over a tree.

34. Stretching means stretching out both arms and hands. At this time, the arms are not stretched out intentionally, but rather it feels as if the club head is being pulled by the weight of the head.

35. If the rising and falling angles are the same when viewed from the side, is it a ONE plane swing? If the angles are different, is it TWO plane swing?

It takes practice and feel to adjust the direction of the face with the three fingers of your left hand gripped. Some people tell you to adjust the direction with your right index finger, but using the index finger can cause side effects, such as using your forearm muscles. For reference, the quick rotation of the downswing is controlled with the middle finger of the right hand , and the slow rotation is controlled with the ring finger of the right hand . It is convenient to use two fingers to tune. However, one thing to watch out for is the error caused by large muscles. Human errors cannot be compensated for or corrected through finger sensation alone. Large muscles need to be corrected and major errors.

36.This is the view of the body from the direction of the target while FOLLOW THROUGH. HW is upper body, WL is lower body.

37. Since the afterimage effect of the eyes is 1/16 of a second, if you focus on just 0.2 seconds when aiming for the ball, the club head can pass the point where the ball is. During the backswing, turn right your chin and focus your attention on the ball.

38 Since the downswing is very fast and the lower back rotates immediately after the hip rotation, it is desirable to mentally think that the ribcage rotates along with the spine after the hip rotation.

39. The expressions “pull down,” “press,” “up,” and “swipe” should be viewed as indicating the shape of the club approaching the ball depending on the ball’s position, so hitting the ball should be hitting the ball passively by the ball position.

40. During the backswing , the back of the hand faces forward due to the rotation of the upper body . During the backswing , the backs of your hands do not face forward along with your wrists . In the case of cocking moving up and down , the use of the wrist occurs unconsciously .

41. Tempo refers to the time from the beginning to the end of the swing. In general, the length or shortness of the tempo is determined by the individual's personality.

42. Rhythm refers to the beats and step-by-step speed within the tempo . They say the downswing tempo is 2:1 , but in 4D golf,I have already mentioned the backswing and the 'back, ball, hit' rhythm. Additionally, step-by-step speed means that the club starts slowly during the backswing , becomes faster as it cocks, and moves relatively quickly at the front, to stop slowly. This means that the club starts slowly during the downswing, accelerates in the impact zone, and stops relatively slowly at the end .

42. Timing refers to the harmony of the backswing and , in smaller terms, the harmony of each part of the body. Considering the left and right weight shift, it is considered appropriate timing to shift the weight of the hit, which is the beginning of the downswing, just before the backswing.

43. The golf swing consists of three parts: weight transfer of the lower body, rotational movement of the upper body, and up and down movement of the hands and arms.

But the question is how much force is applied to each movement. For example, the lower body can be compared to industrial electricity, the upper body to household electricity, and the hands and arms to cell phone electricity.

44. It is often said that the swing is led with the left hand, but the word 'lead' can be misunderstood to mean that the left hand is dominant, so if you have good power, it would be better to guide with the left hand. The left and right hands are balanced. In particular, right-handed people tend to exert force that overwhelms the left hand, but the movement is not large enough to interfere with the guidance of the left hand.

45. Rather than impact, it is better to swing considering the impact zone of about 40cm in front and behind the ball.

46. When the club head travels at 200km, the speed at which the hands move is 50km, which is still too fast to be controlled by hand, so it is better to move your weight and waggle when hitting.

엑기스 4차원 골프 essense

1.  4D 는 골프 스윙을 위에서 본 평면, 앞에서 본 정면 ,  옆에서 본 측면, 시간의 4차원으로 분석하고 설명한다 .

2.  골프 스윙은 원형 운동이며 퍼팅도 마찬가지다.  하지만 퍼팅에서  견갑골을 이용하면 최대 12cm까지 백스윙이 가능해 직선적인  스트로크도 가능하다.


3. 스윙은 척추가 회전하는 원운동이다. 일반 샷의 경우 척추가 타겟 반대쪽으로 약간 기울어져 있지만, 퍼팅의 경우 척추는 곧게 유지되어야 한다.


4. 손은 수직으로 내려야 하는 것이 맞다. 하지만 손에 집중하면 손목을 빨리 피는 캐스팅 모션을 취하기 쉽다. 우리가 공을 던질 때 손은 팔꿈치부터 시작하여 앞으로 움직인다. 팔꿈치가 수직으로 낮아지면 손은 계속 수직으로 유지된다. 

5. 오른쪽 팔꿈치를 내려 양 옆 사이에 놓으면 레버를 받쳐주는 역할을 하여 비거리가 늘어나고 다운콕과 레이트  히트좋아진다 .  

6. 백스윙시 그립의 버트 끝 부분에 티를 삽입하고, 백스윙시 클럽이 지면과 수평으로 지날 때 티가 가리키는 선은 타겟볼라인이 아닌 샤프트라인이 되며, 다운스윙할 때도 마찬가지다. 또한 폴로 스로우를 할 때 클럽이 지면과 수평으로 지나갈 때 그립 끝의 티가 샤프트 라인을 향해야 한다. 이제 그립 끝이 공을 향한다는 말이 틀린 말이라는것을 이해하기  바란다. 헤드가 없는 클럽과 헤드가 있는 클럽을 동시에 잡아서    스윙을 해 보면 샤프트 라인을 빠르게 이해할 수 있다.  

7. 손으로 공을 치는 것보다 몸을 지원하면서 스윙하라. 백스윙을 할 때 어깨나 흉곽 전체를 움직이는 것을 생각하기보다는 척추를 회전시키는 것을 생각해보자. 뒤에서 봤을 때 가장 낮은 갈비뼈부터 돌리면 흔들리지 않고 회전하게 된다. 

8. 손을 가슴에 얹고  엉덩이를 왼쪽으로 밀라고 하는데 다운스윙 직전에 전환동작이 일어나야 하고 미는 동작이 1mm 정도만 되면 무게중심이 충분히일어나게 된다.  왼발 중앙에 체중 이동이 일어나면 무릎을 쭉 피면서 지면 반발력을 이용해 거리를 늘려야 한다.

9. 팔의 회전은 자연스럽게 이루어져야 하는데 많은 골퍼들이 그립을 꽉 쥐고 있어 팔의 회전을 방해하는 경우가 많다. 그립은 끝부분이 두꺼워 약하게 잡아야 한다. 다운스윙 시 클럽 헤드가 볼에 도달하기 20cm 정도 전에 왼손으로 클럽 헤드를 막으면 왼팔이 회전을 돕고 관성의 법칙으로 인해 비거리가 늘어난다. 클럽의 길이나 골퍼의 체격 등의 요인이 있기 때문에 어느 정도의 길이로 막아내는지는 연습을 통해 알아내야 한다.

10. 손목이 회전하는 것처럼 보이지만 아래팔뚝이 회전하기 때문이다. 손목은 손등과 손바닥 방향으로 움직여서는 안 되고, 엄지손가락 방향으로 위아래로 움직여야 코킹 효과로 거리가 늘어나게 된다.

11. 위에서 아래로 볼 때 허리, 등, 머리가 일직선이 되어야 한다. 옆에서 보면 허리는 안쪽으로 휘어져 있다. 많은 골퍼들이 클럽을 공의 오른쪽에 위치시켜 노린다. 하지만 클럽을 오른쪽에 놓았을 때 볼의 중심을 직각으로 치기 위해서는 얼마나 오픈되어야 하는지 알기 어렵다. 공의 아래쪽 바닥에 수직으로 설정한 후 오른쪽으로 이동시키면 제대로 열린다. 이를 숨겨진 오프 세트라고 한다.

. 11-2.jpg

12. 충격 시 샤프트가 구부러지는 모습을 보여주는 과장된 정면도와 측면도

13. 큰 스윙을 옆에서 보면 샤프트가 휘어진다. 결과적으로 토우도 내려온다.셋업에서 토우를 들어 올려야한다  토우가 내려가는 정도를 미리 조절해 보자. 토우가 올라가는 정도는 헤드무게와 샤프트의 유연성에 비례한다    

공의 방향

14. 그림 123의 설명

공의 무게는 46g이고 직경은 42mm이다. 이 작은 공이 클럽 헤드에 부딪히면 처음에는 클럽 헤드의 움직임 모양에 따라 날아가고 , 공의 속도가 감소하면 클럽 페이스의 방향에 따라 휘어진다. 평면도에서 G는 목표방향, B는 굥,  T는 패이스의 앞부분, H는 페이스의 뒷부분이다. 그림 <1>에서 헤드가 타깃 라인 위의 공의 중심에 닿았을 때, 페이스가 타깃 방향과 직각을 이루면 공은 일직선으로 날아간다.  페이스는 오픈(open), 즉 H가T보다 타겟 방향으로 앞서면 공은 직선으로 날아가 오른쪽으로 휘어진다 페이스가 닫히면. 즉, 목표 방향에서 T가 H보다 앞서면 공은 직선으로 날아가 왼쪽으로 휘게 된다.

그림 <2>에서 헤드가 타깃 라인에 공을 맞고 타깃 라인을 가로질러 되돌아오면 페이스가 타깃 방향과 수직이면 공은 오른쪽으로 날아갔다가 왼쪽으로 휘어져 날아간다.  이 모양을 드로우라고 한다.  페이스가 열려 있으면 공이 오른쪽으로 날아가고 오른쪽으로 휘어져 오른쪽으로 심한 슬라이스가 발생한다. 페이스가 닫혀 있으면 공은 오른쪽으로 날아가다가 왼쪽으로 급격히 휘어진다.

그림 <3>에서 헤드가 타겟 라인을 통과한 후 다시 타겟 라인에 돌아와 공을 칠 때, 페이스가 타겟 방향과 수직인 경우 공은 왼쪽으로 날아갔다가 오른쪽으로 휘어져 오른쪽으로 날아가게 된다. 이런 모양을 페이드(fade)라고 한다. 페이스가 오픈되면 공은 왼쪽으로 날아가 오른쪽으로 급격히 휘어진다. 페이스가 닫혀 있으면 공이 왼쪽으로 날아가다가 급격히 왼쪽으로 날아간다

양면 퍼터의 필요성      
M 골퍼의 1/4) 퍼팅 입스 1/4, 스트레이트 백스윙 12cm 제한 
우즈와 미셸 위가 입이 생긴 다면 정신적 문제가 아니라 과도한 근육 기억력 때문이다. 과하다고 하던데

15. 백스윙 시 코깅은 왼손 엄지손가락이 위로 올라가면서 손목이 휘어지는 현상이고, 힌지는 손목이 오른손 뒤쪽으로 휘어지는 현상이다. 

16. 어드레스 시 체중은 발 전체에 고르게 분산되어 몸 전체를 지탱 해야 한다. 모든 육체운동의 준비자세는 움직이기 쉽도록 앞발에 체중을 실어야 한다고 말하는 사람들도 있지만, 양궁 육체운동에서는 첨법이라 하여 발 전체에 체중을 실어 두라는 뜻이다. 골프는 양궁과 마찬가지로 균형을 중시하므로 체중을 발 전체에 싣는 것이 좋다. 

17. 골프는 상체와 하체가 분리되어 일어나는 비틀림이기 때문에 상체의 회전은 어깨만으로 이루어져서는 안 되고, 척추, 배꼽, 허리, 갈비뼈, 어깨의 회전에 따라 이루어져야 한다. 척추 비틀림을 중심으로 회전문처럼 단단히 회전해야 한다.   

18. 쇄골의 방향은 회전량을 나타낸다. 상체와 어느 정도 독립적으로 움직일 수 있는 관절인 어깨만 돌리면
상체의 균형이 깨질 수 있다. 허리, 즉 척추를 배꼽에서 50도, 등갈비뼈에서 60도 회전시킨다. 어깨가 90도 회전하면 쇄골도 90도 회전해야 한다.

19. 드라이버를 빽스윙할 때 타깃 라인과 평행하다는 것은 그 라인을 넘지 않는다는 뜻이다.  상체 즉 척추 허리, 등갈비뼈, 어깨 등을 회전을 적게 만들고 팔이나 손을 조작하여 평행하게 만드는 것이 아니다, 반대로 쇄골이  90 도를 넘을 정도로 너무 지나치게 빽스윙하면 또 다른 문제가 발생할 가능성이 높으므로 왼쪽 무릎과 왼쪽 엉덩이를 잡고 아래팔을 회전시키는 것이 좋다.
왼쪽 허리 아래, 등뼈부터 시작하여 척추를 따라 대각선으로 회전하여 오른쪽 어깨 위쪽까지 직선으로 이어진다. 영문자 T를 돌린다고 생각해보자. T자 중 " ㅡ"는 쇄골과 "ㅣ"는 척추로 보아야 한다. 그래도 효과가 없으면 배꼽으로 이동한 다음 흉곽에 이어 오른쪽 어깨까지 회전문을 돌린다고 생각하자

A 측면에서 본 어드레스의 손목 모양

백스윙 도중 정면에서 본 손목 모양

백스윙탚을 정면에서 본 손목모양

20. 평면으로 볼 때 드라이버의 경우 빽 스윙 탚까지 크럽 헤드가 270도 회전이 된다 그런데 어깨의 90도 회전은 크럽 헤드의 90도 회전을 의미한다면 팔로 크럽 헤드를 180도 회전시켜야 하는데 로테이션으로 90,콕킹으로 90도 회전해야 한다 어깨가 목표선과 평행일 때 크럽 헤드가180도 회전이 되어야 하고 연습 방법은 어깨를  목표선과 평행으로 하고  오른팔 한 팔로 크럽헤드를180도 회전하는 것이다 이때에 그립 끝은  타겟-볼 라인보다 몸쪽으로 약 4cm 가까이 있는 샤프트 라인()을 가리켜야 한다.       
속도를 위한 다운콕의 전면 모습
21. 다운스윙시에 콕킹을 이른 바 다운콕이라고 부른다 힢부터 움직이는 다운스윙시 힢에 이어 오른쪽 팔꿈치가 배쪽으로 먼저 내려와 지렛대의 받침돌 역할을 하도록 하는 것이다 임팩트가 되고난 직후에도 왼쪽 팔꿈치가 배쪽으로 가리키는 지렛대의 받침역할을 해야 장타가 된다.  

22. 우리가 공을 던질 때 팔꿈치가 손보다 앞서  방향을 조절하듯이 오른 쪽 팔꿈치로 크럽 헤드를 공에 조준해야 한다 오른 쪽 팔꿈치로 크럽 헤드를 공에 조준할  때 크럽 헤드는 빽 스윙 탑을 조금 지나 내려 오게 된다 마찬가지로 왼쪽 팔꿈치도 살짝 먼저 움직여 어드레쓰 자세때의 위치로 내려와야  로테이션이 잘 되어 슬라이스가 나지 않는다 로테이션을 손이나 팔로 조작하지 말고 왼팔꿈치의 원위치로 자연스럽게 하여야 한다.

23. 왼쪽 아래 허리 ,  등갈비뼈와 어깨에서 오른쪽 아래허리 , 등갈비뼈와 어깨를 지나는 선을 공 타깃 라인과 평행하게 만들고 척추를 축으로 스윙하는 등 짧은 어프로치 회전. 작은 그네라고 생각하고 팔과 손만으로 휘두르지 말고 몸으로 휘두려야 한다. 

24. 부정확한 스윙의 거리는 정확한 스윙의 거리에서 약 20% 정도 차이가 난다고 한다. 장타시 헤드스피드는 22.5, 스윗스팟은 20, 어택각은 16.5, 헤드와 볼의 상대질량은 15.5, 발사각은 13.5, 스핀율은 12% 비중이으로 되어 있다고 하는데  헤드속도가 장타에서 차지하는 비중은 22.5%에 불과하고 나머지는 정확도에 관한 것들이다

25. 클럽 길이에 따른 백스윙
평면도에서 G는 타겟, B는 볼, D는 드라이버 궤적, M은 미들 클럽, W는 웨지이다.

백스윙에서는 드라이버는 큰 원을 만들고, 웨지는 작은 원을 만든다. 따라서 드라이버의 경우 코킹이 천천히 일어나고, 웨지의 경우 빠르게 코킹이 일어나는 느낌이 든다.

26. 정면도에서 G는 타깃볼 라인, D는 백스윙 시 드라이버 샤프트 , M은 미들 클럽 샤프트, W는 웨지 클럽 샤프트이다.

평면도에서 G는 타겟볼 라인, D는 백스윙 시 드라이버 샤프트 , M은 미들 클럽 샤프트, W는 웨지 클럽 샤프트다.

빽 스윙 탚에서도 드라이버는 정면에서 볼 때 목표선과 평행, 평면에서 볼 때 목표선과 평행인데 웨지는 정면에서 목표선에 30도 정도 미달되고 평면에서 목표선에 30도 정도 미달되며 나머지 크럽은 그 길이에 따라 그 중간에 있게 된다

측면그림에서 A는 지면,D는 드라이버와 샤프트 라인(술),M은 중간크럽과 샤프트라인, W는 웨지크럽과 샤프트라인이다.

위 그림은 측면에서 드라이버,중간크럽,웨지의 어드레스된 모습과 각각의 샤프트라인을 보여줍니다 샤프트가 지면과 수평샤프트 라인과 수평인 지점을 넘으면 핸들끝인 버트가 샤프트라인을 따라가므로 드라이버는 프랫한 스윙이되고 웨지는 엎라이트한 스윙이 되며 중간 크럽은 그 중간에 해당되는 스윙이된다
27. 드라이버를 상향타격할 때는 스윗스팟보다 약간 위쪽인 핫샷으로 쳐야 한다.하향타격할 때는 스윗스팟에 맞춰야 한다.

28. 상체와 하체를 나누어 이동거리를 속도로 바꾸면 상체부분에서는 클럽 헤드가 200km라면 손 약 50km,그리고 팔꿈치어깨등 갈비뼈 즉 갈비통과 허리 순으로 빠르기가 나타나고 하체 부문에서는 독립적으로 힢의 빠르기가 나타난다. 

29. 다운스윙 시에는 무게중심의 작은 움직임과 척추의 회전에 따른 강력한 회전으로 인해 허리, 등, 갈비뼈, 어깨가 원래 위치로 돌아가게 되지만, 손과 팔 중에서는 오른쪽 팔꿈치는 복부 근처에 먼저 와야 하며, 이는 어드레스 위치이다. 왼쪽 팔꿈치 또한 어드레스 시와 같이 원래 위치에 있어야만 정확한 타격이 이루어진다는 점을 기억하면, 양쪽 팔꿈치도 어드레스 시 원래 위치로 돌아가야 한다.

평면그림에서 B는 볼,G는 공굴리기 공, P는 스윗 스팟이 지나가는 궤적

30.그림과 같이 볼의 코어를 중심으로 평면에서 보면 클럽 헤드의 스위트 스팟은 볼의 오른쪽 약간 아래로 들어가 핵과 만나고 왼쪽약간 아래로 빠져나가는 것을 볼 수 있다.

정면그림 A는 지면,B는 볼, G는 공굴리기 공, S는 스윗 스팟,X는 최저점

31.골프 공을 공 굴리기 공만큼 크게 생각해 보면 스윙 원의 최저점은 큰 공의 중간 제일 아래가 되겠다 스윙 원이 크럽 헤드가 지나가는 모양을 그렸으므로 헤드는 큰 공의 오른 쪽을 먼저 친 다음에야 비로소 최저점에 도달할 수가 있다 이런 의미에서 싸이드 블로우도 일종의 하향 타격이라고 하겠다

정면그림으로 볼 때 스윗 스팟이 공의 핵을 지나가야 하는데 스윗 스팟의 높이는 공의 핵보다 높으므로 지면에 있는 공을 상향타격한다는 것은 불가능하다

32. 골프공이 지면에 있든 티에 있든 공의 중심이 클럽 의 스윗스팟 에 닿기 위해서는 공 아래의 지면이 장애물이 될 수 있으므로 공이 아래로 향하는 타격은 장애물이 없는 공의 상단이 바람직하다.

약간 오른쪽에서 왼쪽으로 바라본 정면도에서 G는 목표 방향, S는 아래쪽을 칠 지점인 스위트 스팟(Sweet Spot)이다.

여기서 공의 윗부분이란 공의 적도 위를 말하고 스윙이 공의 핵을 지나가는 행위라면 공의 위도 왼쪽을 가리키므로 공을 목표방향에서 열십자로 4등분 했을 때 스윗 스팟은 공의 위쪽 그리고 왼쪽지점을 지나간다고 보아야 한다

좀 더 자세히 스윗 스팟과 ball 표면이만나는 지점을 알아 보자

1 그림; 평면애서 스윗 스팟과 공의 핵과 만난다 (C-N-D).
2 그림; 6시 방향에서 보면 아이언 스윗 스팟은 E-N-F로 지나간다.
3 그림; 6시방향에서 보면 드라이버 스윗 스팟은 G-N- H로 지나간다.
4 그림; 3시 방향에서 보면 1,2,3,4번이 있다.
5 그림; 9시 방향에서 보면 5,6,7,8번이 있다.
종합하면 아이언 스윗 스팟은 1번, 핵, 8번을 지나간다.
그러나 드라이버와 퍼터 스윗 스팟은 3번,핵, 6번을 지나간다.

6 그림;공표면에 요철이 있다 3시 방향에서 볼때 직선 퍼팅에서는 딤플이 아니라 튀어나온 철부분에 맞추어아 한다.           
그림1(A-N-B) 과  그림3(G-N-H)을 생각해서 퍼팅하면 ,성공할수 있다

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33. 참고로 공이 아래쪽으로 치면 위에서 아래로 일그러진 것으로 간주되어 공이 미사일처럼 날아가 공중으로 떠오른다. 따라서 벙커에서 샷을 할 때는 클럽의 각도뿐만 아니라 벙커 턱과 공의 출발시 각도도 세심한 주의를 기울여야 한다. 나무위로 칠 때도 마찬가지다.

34. 다음으로 손을 뻗는다는 것은 뻗는 지점에서 두 팔을 쭉 뻗는 것을 의미한다. 이때 양팔을 의도적으로 쭉 뻗는 것이 아니라 오히려 헤드의 무게에 의해 클럽 헤드가 당겨지는 듯한 느낌을 준다.

35. 옆에서 봤을 때 오르는 각도와 떨어지는 각도가 같으면 ONE 평면스윙인가요? 각도가 다르면 TWO플레인스윙인가요?

그립을 잡은 왼손 세 손가락으로 페이스의 방향을 조정하는 연습과 느낌이 필요하다. 오른손 검지로 방향을 조정하라는 분들도 계시는데, 검지를 사용하면 팔뚝 윗 근육이 사용되는 등의 부작용이 생길 수 있다. 참고로 다운스윙의 로우테이션은 오른손 중지로 조절하고 , 로테션의 억재는 약지로 조절하는데 그조화는 두 손가락을 사용하여 조율하는 것이 편리하다. 하지만 한 가지 주의할 점은 큰 근육으로 인해 발생하는 오차이다. 인간의 실수는 손가락 감각만으로는 보상되거나 교정될 수 없다. 큰 근육을 바로잡아 교정을 통해 큰 오류를 해결해야 한다.

36.폴로스로우를 하는 동안 목표 방향에서 본 신체의 모습이다. HW는 상체, WL은 하체이다.

37. 눈의 잔상효과는 1/16초이기 때문에 공을 노릴 때 단 0.2초에만 집중하면 클럽헤드는 공이 있는 지점을 지나갈 수 있다. 백스윙 시 턱을 돌리 면서 볼에 시선을 집중하자.

38 다운스윙이 매우 빠르고 힙회전 직후 허리가 회전하므로 힙회전 후 갈비도 척추와 함께 회전한다고 머리속으로 생각하는 것이 바람직하다.

39. 찍어 친다,눌러 친다와 올려 친다 그리고 쓸어 친다 라는 표현은 공이 있는 위치에 따라 공으로 크럽이 다가 가는 모양을 이야기 한 것으로 보아야 하므로 공을 친다는 의미는 공이 맞는다는 뜻이 되어야 한다.

40. 백스윙 시  상체의 회전으로 인해 손등이 앞을 향하게 된다. 스윙  손목으로  등을 정면으로 향하게  것이 아니다 손목의 사용은  아래로 움직이는 콕킹 경우 무의식적으로 손목의 사용이 이루어 지게 된다.                          

41. 템포(Tempo)란  스윙의 시작부터 끝까지의 시간을 말한다. 일반적으로 개인의 성격에 따라 템포의 길이나 짧음이 결정된다.

42.리듬은 템포 안에서의 박자와 단계별 빠르기라고 겠다흔히들  스윙과 다운 스윙의 박자가 2:1이라 합니다만 4D 골프에서는 ‘, 리듬이라 이미 이야기 하였다  단계별 빠르기란  스윙  크럽은 서서히 출발하고 콕킹되면서 빨라지며 탚에서 대적으로 느리게 정지되며 다운 스윙  크럽은 서서히 출발하고 임팩트 존에서 빨라지고 피니쉬에서 상대적으로 느리게 정지됨을 말한다.

42. 타이밍이란 크게는  스윙과 다운 스윙의 조화작게는 신체  부분의 조화를 말합니다.좌우 체중 이동을 각해보면 다운 스윙의 시작인 힢의 체중 이동이  스윙 탚직전에서 이루어져야 적절한 타이밍이라고 본신체 부분 중에서 방향과 관계가  어깨의 타이밍을 예로 들자면 다운 스윙  어깨는 상대적인 저속으로 움직이어야 함은 물론이나 목표선과 수평을 지나 손의 움직임에따라 빨라지는 타이밍을 가져야한다  손의 타이밍을 보자면 임팩트  짧은 크럽일수록 손이 크럽 헤드보다 먼저 가는 정도가 커야  하고 드라이버는 손이 크럽 헤드보다 먼저 나가는 정도가 작아야 한 .

43. 골프 스윙은 하체의 체중이동, 상체의 회전운동, 손과 팔의 상하운동 세 부분으로 구성된다.
그러나 문제는 각 동작에 얼마나 많은 힘을 가하느냐이다. 예를 들어 하체는 산업용 전기, 상체는 가정용 전기, 손과 팔은 휴대폰 전기에 비유할 수 있다.

44. 왼손으로 리드하는 스윙을 하라는 이야기를 많이 합니다만  리드라는 용어 때문에 왼손이 지배력을 가지고 스윙 하라는 말로 오해할 수가 있어  왼손과 오른손의 힘이 균형을 이루었다면 왼손으로 안내한다는 의미가 더 좋지 않을까 생각한다  특히 오른손잡이는 왼손을 압도하는 힘을 발휘하기 쉬운데 왼손의 안내를 방해할 정도의 움직임은 아니된다 그리고 평면으로 볼 때 다운 스윙 시 왼 쪽 어깨보다 오른쪽 어깨가 많이 움직이는데 이는 거리를 내는 신체 부위는 오른 쪽임을 증명하는 것이다.

45. 임팩트보다는 볼 앞뒤 40cm 정도의  임팩트 존을 고려해서 스윙하는 것이 좋다 .

46. 클럽 헤드가 200km일 때 손이 이동하는 속도는 50km로   작은 근육인 손으로 제어하기에는 너무 빠르기 때문에  타격 시 체중을 이동하면서 왜글하는 것이 좋다.

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