2024년 3월 24일 일요일

4 Dimensions Golf Essense


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***You may rewrite all these articles including 4D golf(golfyoung.blogspot.com),I hope.

1. 4D analyzes and explains the golf swing in four dimensions: plane view from above , front view from the front , side view, and time .

2. The golf swing is a circular motion and so is putting. However, by using the shoulder blades, a backswing of up to 12cm is possible, making a straight stroke possible.

3. Swing is a circular motion in which the spine rotates. For a normal shot, your spine is slightly tilted away from the target, but for a putt, your spine should remain straight.

4. It is true that your hands should be placed vertically down. However, if you focus on your hand, it is easy to make a casting motion that involves releasing your hand quickly. When we throw a baseball, our hands start from the elbow and move forward. As your elbows are lowered to vertical, your hands will remain vertical.

5. If you lower your right elbow and place it between the sides, it will play the role of supporting the lever, increasing the distance and improving downcock and late hit .

6. Insert a tee into the butt end of the grip during the backswing. When the club passes horizontally with the ground during the backswing, the line pointed by the tee is the shaft line, not the target ball line. The same applies when swinging down. Additionally, when making a follow through, the tee at the butt end should point toward the shaft line as the club passes parallel to the ground . Now, I hope I am not wrong in saying that the end of the grip does not point towards the ball. Grab a club without a head and a club with a head at the same time. By swinging, you can quickly understand the shaft line.

7. Swing while supporting your body rather than hitting the ball with your hands.
Rather than thinking about moving your shoulders or your entire ribcage during the backswing, think about rotating your spine. When viewed from behind, if you turn the lowest rib first, it will rotate without shaking.

8.Place your hands on your chest , you are told to push your hips to the left, but the transition movement must occur right before the downswing, and if the pushing movement is only about 1mm, the weight shifts will follow later. If your weight shifts to the center of your left foot, you should straight your knees and use the ground reaction force to increase the distance.

9. Arm rotation should occur naturally, but many golfers hold their grips tightly, which often hinders arm rotation. The grip has a thick end and must be held weakly. When downswing, if you block the club head with your left hand about 20cm before it reaches the ball, your left arm rotation helps the distance increase due to the law of inertia. Because there are factors such as the length of the club and the golfer's physique, you need to find out through practice how long you can block.

10. The wrist appears to be rotating, but it is because the forearm is rotating. The wrist should not move in the direction of the back of the hand and the palm, but should move up and down in the direction of the thumb to increase the distance due to the cocking effect.

11. When looking from top to bottom, your waist, back, and head should be in a straight line. When viewed from the side, the waist is curved to front . Many golfers aim by positioning the club to the right of the ball .
However, when the club is placed to the right, it is difficult to know how open it must be to hit the center of the ball at a right angle. Perpendicular to the bottom of the ball. If you set it and move it to the right, it will open properly. This is called a hidden off-set.


Exaggerated front view and side view showing shaft bending upon impact

13. When a large swing occurs, the shaft bends when viewed from front and the side. As a result, the toes also come down.You will need to lift your toes in the setup. Try adjusting the degree to which your toes go down in advance. The degree to which the toe rises depends on the weight of the head and shaft. proportional to flexibility.

14.Direction of the ball Explanation of Figure 123

The ball weighs 46 g and has a diameter of 42 mm. When this small ball hits the club head, it initially flies according to the shape of the club head's movement , and as the ball's speed decreases, it curves according to the direction of the club face. In the plan view, G is the target direction and B is the Ball, T is the front part of the face, H is the back part of the face. In Figure <1>, when the head touches the center of the ball above the target line, if the face is perpendicular to the target direction, the ball flies in a straight line. At this time, the face is open, that is, H is ahead of T in the target direction, the ball flies in a straight line and curves to the right. Closing the face, in other words, if T is ahead of H in the target direction, the ball will fly straight and curve to the left.

In Figure <2>, when the head hits the ball on the target line and returns across the target line, if the face is perpendicular to the target direction, the ball flies to the right, then curves to the left. This shape is called a draw. If the face is open, the ball will fly to the right and curve to the right, resulting in a sharp slice to the right. If the face is closed, the ball will fly to the right and curve sharply to the left.

In Figure <3>, when the head passes the target line and then hits the ball again on the target line, if the face is perpendicular to the target direction, the ball flies to the left , then curves to the right and flies to the right. This shape is called a fade. When the face is open, the ball flies to the left and curves sharply to the right. If the face is closed, the ball flies to the left and curves to the left, creating a hook.

15. During the backswing, cocking is a phenomenon in which the wrist is bent as the thumb moves upward, and hinge is a phenomenon in which the wrist is bent to the back of the right hand.

16. At address, your weight should be evenly distributed across your feet to support your entire body . Some people say that the preparatory position for all physical exercises requires putting your weight on the front foot to make it easier to move. But in archery physical exercise, it is called the point method, which means putting your weight on the entire foot. Golf, like archery, focuses on balance, so it's best to keep your weight on your entire foot.

17. Since golf involves twisting that occurs separately from the upper and lower body, the rotation of the upper body should not be done only by the shoulders, but should be done in accordance with the rotation of the spine, navel, waist, ribs, and shoulders. It should rotate tightly like a revolving door around your spinal twist.

18. The direction of the clavicle indicates the amount of rotation. If you only rotate your shoulders, which are joints that can move somewhat independently of the upper body,
the balance of your upper body may be disrupted. Rotate your lower back, or spine, 50 degrees from your navel and 60 degrees from your back ribs. If your shoulders rotate 90 degrees, your collarbone should also rotate 90 degrees.

19. When the driver swings, being parallel to the target line means not crossing that line. This does not refer to manipulating the arms or hands to make the upper body, i.e. the spine , waist, back ribs, shoulders, etc., parallel with less rotation. On the other hand, swinging too hard so that your collarbone goes past 90 degrees is likely to cause another problem, so I recommend holding your left knee and left hip and rotating your forearm.

It starts below the left lower back, at the spine, and rotates diagonally along the spine, continuing in a straight line to the top of the right shoulder. Think of rotating the English letter T. Among the letters T ," ㅡ" represents the collarbone and "ㅣ" You have to look at the spine. If that doesn't work, move to the navel and then to the ribcage. Let's turn it over.

A Appearance of wrist at address viewed from the side

B During the backswing, Wrist shape seen from the front

C Backswing WRIST TIPE viewed from the front

20. When plane view from above, the club head for the driver is Rotate 270 degrees until the backswing ends . However, if a 90 -degree turn of the shoulder means a 90- degree turn of the club head, the club head should rotate 180 degrees with the arms. It turns 90 degrees by cocking , and 90 degrees by rotating . The club head should be rotated 180 degrees when your shoulders are parallel to the target line . The way to practice is to position your shoulders parallel to the target line and then rotate the club head 180 degrees with one side of your right arm . The butt of the grip should point to the shaft line , which is approximately 4 cm closer to the body than the target - ball line .

21.Front view of downcock for speed

The so-called downcock refers to the fact that during the downswing that moves before hitting, the right elbow comes down toward the stomach first and plays the role of supporting the lever. Even immediately after impact, the left elbow plays the role of supporting the lever that points toward the stomach. It needs to be a long-term hit.

22. You should aim the clubhead at the ball with your right elbow, as if your elbow controls the direction when throwing a ball . When you aim the club head at the ball with your right elbow, the club head will be positioned slightly lower at the top of the backswing . Likewise, you must first slightly move your left elbow and lower it to the position which was in during the address posture. That makes to ensure good rotation and prevent slices from occurring. Do not manipulate the rotation with your hands or arms; let your left elbow return naturally to its original position.

23. Make a short approach rotation by making the line passing from the left lower back , back ribs and shoulder to the right lower waist , back ribs and shoulder parallel to the ball-target line and swinging the spine around the axis . Think of it as a small swing and swing it with your body rather than just your arms and hands.

24. It is said that the distance of an inaccurate swing differs by about 20% from the distance of an accurate swing. When making a long hit, the head speed is 22.5, the sweet spot is 20, the attack angle is 16.5, the relative mass of the head and ball is 15.5, the launch angle is 13.5, and the back spin rate is 12%.

25. Backswing according to club length

In the top view, G is the target, B is the ball, D is the driver trajectory, M is the middle club, and W is the wedge.

In the backswing, the driver creates a large circle, and the wedge creates a small circle. Therefore, it feels like cocking happens slowly in the case of a driver, and quickly in the case of a wedge.

26. In the front view, G is the target ball line and D is the driver shaft during the backswing., M is the middle club shaft, and W is the wedge club shaft.

In the top view, G is the target ball line and D is the driver shaft during the backswing., M is the middle club shaft, W is the wedge club shaft.

In the backswing, the driver is parallel to the target line when viewed from the front, and is also parallel to the target line when viewed from a plane, but the wedge is about 30 degrees short of the target line when viewed from the front. On the plane, it is 30 degrees short of the target line, and the remaining clubs which depend on length are in the middle.

From the side, A is the ground, D is the driver and shaft line, M is the middle club and shaft line, and W is the wedge club and shaft line.

The photo above shows the side view of the driver, middle club, and wedge and their respective shaft lines. When the shaft intersects a point that is horizontal to the ground and parallel to the shaft line, the butt at the end of the handle follows the shaft line. So the driver has a flat position, the wedge has a steep position and the middle club becomes a middle position.

27. When hitting the driver upward, you should hit it with a hot shot slightly higher than the sweet spot. When hitting downward, you need to hit the sweet spot.

28. If you divide the moving distance into the upper body and lower body and change the distance to speed, in the upper body, if the club head is 200 km, the speed appears in the following order: hands, about 50 km, and elbows. , shoulders, back ribs, i.e. ribcage, lower back, spine. Lower body parts speed appears independently in the hitting.

29. During the downswing, the waist, back, ribs, and shoulders return to their original positions due to the small movement of the center of gravity and the strong rotation of the spine, but among the hands and arms, the right elbow should come near the abdomen first. , which is the address location. Remember that for an accurate strike to occur, the left elbow must also be in its original position as at the time of address. Both elbows must also return to their original position at the time of address.

P is the trajectory through which the sweet spot passes.

30. As shown in Figure , when viewed from a plane centered on the core of the ball, you can see that the sweet spot of the club head enters slightly below the right side of the ball, meets the core, and exits slightly below and to the left.

Front view: A is the ground, B is the ball, G is the rolling ball, S is the sweet spot, and X is the lowest point.

31. If you think of a golf ball as big as a rolling ball, the lowest point of the swing circle would be at the bottom center of the big ball. Since the swing circle is drawn as the club head passes through, the head hits the right side of the large ball first and then reaches the lowest point.

When viewed from the front, the sweet spot must pass through the center of the ball, but since the height of the sweet spot is higher than the center of the ball, it is impossible to hit the ball upward when it is on the ground.

32. Whether the golf ball is on the ground or on a tee, in order for the center of the ball to reach the sweet spot of the club , the ground under the ball may become an obstacle, so it is desirable to hit the ball downward at the top of the ball, which is free of obstacles.

In the front view looking slightly right to left, G is the target direction and S is the sweet spot, which is the downward strike point.

Here, the top of the ball refers to the part that is higher than the equator of the ball. When the swing passes through the center of the ball, the latitude of the ball is toward the left, so when the ball is divided into four at the target, the sweet spot is at the top and left of the ball.

I think you can see that it is progressing.

Photo 1 : The sweet spot meets the core of the ball in the plane (CND).

Photo 2 : When viewed from the 6 o'clock position, the iron sweet spot passes through ENF.

Photo 3 : When viewed from the 6 o'clock position, the driver sweet spot passes through GN-H.

33. For reference, if the ball is hit downward, it is considered distorted from top to bottom and the ball flies like a missile and rises into the air. Therefore, when taking a shot from a bunker, you must pay close attention not only to the angle of the club, but also to the angle of the bunker shelf and the departure of the ball. The same goes for hitting over a tree.

34. Stretching means stretching out both arms and hands. At this time, the arms are not stretched out intentionally, but rather it feels as if the club head is being pulled by the weight of the head.

35. If the rising and falling angles are the same when viewed from the side, is it a ONE plane swing? If the angles are different, is it TWO plane swing?

It takes practice and feel to adjust the direction of the face with the three fingers of your left hand gripped. Some people tell you to adjust the direction with your right index finger, but using the index finger can cause side effects, such as using your forearm muscles. For reference, the quick rotation of the downswing is controlled with the middle finger of the right hand , and the slow rotation is controlled with the ring finger of the right hand . It is convenient to use two fingers to tune. However, one thing to watch out for is the error caused by large muscles. Human errors cannot be compensated for or corrected through finger sensation alone. Large muscles need to be corrected and major errors.

36.This is the view of the body from the direction of the target while FOLLOW THROUGH. HW is upper body, WL is lower body.

37. Since the afterimage effect of the eyes is 1/16 of a second, if you focus on just 0.2 seconds when aiming for the ball, the club head can pass the point where the ball is. During the backswing, turn right your chin and focus your attention on the ball.

38 Since the downswing is very fast and the lower back rotates immediately after the hip rotation, it is desirable to mentally think that the ribcage rotates along with the spine after the hip rotation.

39. The expressions “pull down,” “press,” “up,” and “swipe” should be viewed as indicating the shape of the club approaching the ball depending on the ball’s position, so hitting the ball should be hitting the ball passively by the ball position.

40. During the backswing , the back of the hand faces forward due to the rotation of the upper body . During the backswing , the backs of your hands do not face forward along with your wrists . In the case of cocking moving up and down , the use of the wrist occurs unconsciously .

41. Tempo refers to the time from the beginning to the end of the swing. In general, the length or shortness of the tempo is determined by the individual's personality.

42. Rhythm refers to the beats and step-by-step speed within the tempo . They say the downswing tempo is 2:1 , but in 4D golf,I have already mentioned the backswing and the 'back, ball, hit' rhythm. Additionally, step-by-step speed means that the club starts slowly during the backswing , becomes faster as it cocks, and moves relatively quickly at the front, to stop slowly. This means that the club starts slowly during the downswing, accelerates in the impact zone, and stops relatively slowly at the end .

42. Timing refers to the harmony of the backswing and , in smaller terms, the harmony of each part of the body. Considering the left and right weight shift, it is considered appropriate timing to shift the weight of the hit, which is the beginning of the downswing, just before the backswing.

43. The golf swing consists of three parts: weight transfer of the lower body, rotational movement of the upper body, and up and down movement of the hands and arms.

But the question is how much force is applied to each movement. For example, the lower body can be compared to industrial electricity, the upper body to household electricity, and the hands and arms to cell phone electricity.

44. It is often said that the swing is led with the left hand, but the word 'lead' can be misunderstood to mean that the left hand is dominant, so if you have good power, it would be better to guide with the left hand. The left and right hands are balanced. In particular, right-handed people tend to exert force that overwhelms the left hand, but the movement is not large enough to interfere with the guidance of the left hand.

45. Rather than impact, it is better to swing considering the impact zone of about 40cm in front and behind the ball.

46. When the club head travels at 200km, the speed at which the hands move is 50km, which is still too fast to be controlled by hand, so it is better to move your weight and waggle when hitting.

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